IX. Amendment Legal Society

IX. Amendment Legal Counsel.

Their is a legal maxim that says: ” Two things that are similar are not the same.” A law license and a Bar certificate are similar, but they are not the same.”

A license is issued by some lawful authority to do something that would not be lawful to do otherwise. Question, do Attorneys in the United States posses a license to practice law, or do they posses a Bar Certificate issued by a non-government organization?

How did the American Legal Profession come to gain total control over the peoples Judicial system without amending the Constitution?

If Attorneys only posses a Bar certificate issued by a private non-government organization, are they not practicing “Law” without a license? If this is so, are they committing a fraud against the courts and the people?

When asked to produce their Law License, the best they will be able to do, will be a Bar Certificate, because there is no lawful governmental authority that issue Law Licenses.

Lets bind them down by the chains of the Constitution!